
14. Dezember 2019

PHP Matrix Testing for WordPress Plugins with GitHub Actions

For maintainers of public plugins it is essential that our plugins also run on older versions of WordPress. Nowadays it is not as bad as WordPress is dropping support for older PHP versions but nevertheless it is crucial that our plugins work with versions that are probably older than the…


3. Mai 2019

Improving as a developer – Tips & Tricks

Take your time off When you are programming it is easy to get stuck on a hard to solve problem. When you are stuck in a rabbit hole it is good to take a step back and try to solve it later. Good examples for a short break include:– Go…


11. März 2019

Why I changed from WP AJAX API to REST API – even for non-REST APIS

For years my go-to solution for AJAX calls from the frontend in WordPress was the WordPress AJAX API. The two actions wp_ajax_{action} and wp_ajax_nopriv_{action} create a route that will be accessible from the frontend and the backend and can react on certain parameters being sent via Javascript. This works fine…


20. November 2018

Gutenberg Quick Tips – 01 Editor styles

If you want to include custom CSS styling in the Gutenberg backend you will need to enqueue a custom stylesheet. There are two possible ways to do that: Enqueue block styles If you need block based styles you want to just include the styling per block. You can do that…


6. September 2018

WordPress OOP Development – Single Responsibility

Ein wichtiger Aspekt in der Objekt-Orientierten Programmierung ist das SOLID Paradigma. Hier ist der erste Teil zum S aus dem SOLID Paradigma in WordPress. Single Responsibility Principle Damit eine Applikation gut erweiterbar ist, sollten die verschiedenen Klassen nur eine Funktion erfüllen. Vielfach sieht man in den Klassen von WordPress Plugins eine…
